Top things to do in Veszprém (Hungary)

Veszprém Travel Guide

Veszprém, situated in the western part of Hungary is a city rich in history and culture. The city is known for its architectural beauty and natural attractions. The city has something for everyone - whether it is exploring historic sites, enjoying a scenic view, or just relaxing in nature. We have compiled a list of top tourist attractions in Veszprém for you to explore.

Veszprém Fire-watch Tower

The Veszprém Fire-watch Tower is a Baroque-style tower with a viewing deck. This 19th-century watchtower is a landmark structure, and its wrought-iron viewing platform offers panoramic views of the city. Visitors can climb up the tower to get a bird's eye view of the city's historical sites and architecture.


Margit romok

Margit romok is a hidden gem in the city. These ruins offer a glimpse into the medieval past of the city. The ruins are scattered in the Margit Square area and are a popular site for photographers and tourists. Visitors can explore the site and learn about the history of the city.


Gulya-domb is one of the must-visit attractions in Veszprém. This hill offers panoramic views of the city and its surrounding areas. It is a popular spot for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can reach the top of the hill by following the hiking trail and enjoy the scenic view.

Gulya-high hill lookout

Gulya-high hill lookout is another popular spot for visitors interested in getting a panoramic view of the city. This lookout is situated in the Veszprémvölgyi area, and visitors can enjoy the scenic beauty of the city from this viewpoint.

Szentkirályszabadja szellemváros

Szentkirályszabadja szellemváros, also known as the "Ghost town," is an abandoned village situated near Veszprém. Visitors can explore the village and see the remnants of the past. The village is eerie and haunting, and it is a popular site for photographers and explorers.

Kittenberger Kálmán Zoo & Botanical Garden

One of the most kid-friendly attractions in Veszprém is the Kittenberger Kálmán Zoo & Botanical Garden. The zoo is home to various animal species, including chimpanzees, bears, and cheetahs. The botanical garden is a lovely place to stroll around and admire the beauty of nature. Visitors can also enjoy the playgrounds and other amenities available at the zoo.


Veszprém, Benedict tip

The Benedict tip in Veszprém is a historic site that houses the remains of a 13th-century monastery. The monastery is a popular site for religious and history enthusiasts. Visitors can explore the site and learn about the history of the monastery.


Laczkó-forrás is a beautiful natural spring situated in the Veszprémvölgyi area. Visitors can hike to the spring and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area. The spring is also a popular site for picnics and relaxation.


Monasteries and Gardens

The Monasteries and Gardens in Veszprémvölgyi offer visitors a glimpse into the history and culture of the city. The gardens are beautiful and well-maintained, and visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll around the property.


Veszprémi Állatkert másik kapu

The Veszprémi Állatkert másik kapu is an alternative entrance to the Kittenberger Kálmán Zoo & Botanical Garden. Visitors can use this entrance to access the zoo and botanical garden.

Kossuth Lajos utca

Kossuth Lajos utca is the main street in Veszprém. The street is lined with shops and restaurants, and it is a popular spot for shopping and people-watching. Visitors can explore the street and soak in the atmosphere of the city.

Labirintus szökőkút

The Labirintus szökőkút is a beautiful fountain situated in the city center. The fountain is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike. Visitors can relax and enjoy the beauty of the fountain while listening to the soothing sound of water.

Gábriel malom

The Gábriel malom is a historic mill situated in the Veszprémvölgyi area. Visitors can take a stroll along the Séd-patak walkway and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area.

Saint Michael's Cathedral

The Saint Michael's Cathedral is a stunning Baroque-style cathedral situated in the heart of the city. The cathedral is a popular site for religious and history enthusiasts. Visitors can explore the cathedral and marvel at its architectural beauty.


Volt veszprémi régi vasútállomás

The Volt veszprémi régi vasútállomás is the old railway station in Veszprém. The station is a historic site, and visitors can explore the building and learn about the history of the railway in Veszprém.

Rab Mary source

The Rab Mary source is a natural spring situated in the Veszprémvölgyi area. Visitors can hike to the spring and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area. The spring is also a popular spot for picnics and relaxation.

Szent István és Gizella falfestmény

The Szent István és Gizella falfestmény is a beautiful mural situated in the Munkácsy Mihály street. The mural depicts the life of King István and Queen Gizella, who are considered the founders of Hungary.

Francsics lépcső

The Francsics lépcső is a beautiful staircase situated in the city center. The staircase is a popular spot for photoshoots and sightseeing.


The Sintér-árok is a beautiful nature trail situated in the Kittenberger Kálmán u. area. Visitors can explore the trail and admire the beauty of nature.



The Rosenberg-ház is a historic building situated in the Óváros tér area. The building is a popular spot for history enthusiasts, and visitors can learn about the history of the city.


The Dubniczay-palota is a stunning Baroque-style palace situated in the Vár u. area. The palace is a historic site, and visitors can explore the building and marvel at its architectural beauty.


Kiskapu lépcső

The Kiskapu lépcső is a beautiful staircase situated in the Vár u. area. The staircase is a popular spot for photoshoots and sightseeing.

Csatár-hegyi kilátó

The Csatár-hegyi kilátó is a beautiful lookout situated in the Kilátó út area. Visitors can enjoy a scenic view of the city from this viewpoint.


The Szökőkút is a beautiful fountain situated in the city center. The fountain is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike. Visitors can relax and enjoy the beauty of the fountain while listening to the soothing sound of water.

Veszprémvölgyi apácakolostor és Jezsuita templom romjai

The Veszprémvölgyi apácakolostor és Jezsuita templom romjai are the ruins of a historic monastery situated in the Veszprémvölgyi area. Visitors can explore the ruins and learn about the history of the monastery.

Erdei fülesbaglyok

The Erdei fülesbaglyok is a wildlife park situated in the Mindszenty József street. Visitors can explore the park and admire the beauty of nature.


The Csobogó is a beautiful waterfall situated in the Kossuth Lajos u. area. Visitors can hike to the waterfall and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area.


The Ördögrágta-kő is a beautiful rock formation situated in the Veszprémvölgyi area. Visitors can explore the area and admire the beauty of nature.

Terézia Pincészet

The Terézia Pincészet is a popular winery situated in the Sigray Jakab street. Visitors can taste some of the finest wines in Hungary and learn about the history of winemaking in the region.

Volt Veszprém Ipartelepek vasúti megálló

The Volt Veszprém Ipartelepek vasúti megálló is a historic railway station situated in the Radnóti Miklós tér area. Visitors can explore the building and learn about the history of the railway in Veszprém.

Latinovits- Bujtor emléktáblák

The Latinovits- Bujtor emléktáblák is a memorial dedicated to the famous Hungarian actors Latinovits Zoltán and Bujtor István. The memorial is situated in the city center, and visitors